Smart.Park, The Ultimate Parking app for Japan. Get information on cheapest parking, parking availability, restaurants with parking, gas stations. All in one app! Completely free, safe and secure.You can search around a location or more importantly, ALONG YOUR ROUTE.
If you drive in Japan this is the one app you must have! No GPS currently gives you cheapest parking like Smart.Park, no app gives you route based search like Smart.Park*. No app gives you anything close to the amount of data we have*, 60,000 Parkings, 9000 Restaurants, 25,000 Gas stations, ALL IN ONE APP.
What might you need while you are driving?
Parking lot? No problem, Smart.Park shows you the Cheapest Parking with Availability across operators. You can filter parkings according to availability and your car size. Currently no other app shows all this information across various parkings*.
Restaurant to eat? No problem, Smart.Park will show you the closest restaurant to you with parking or the closest restaurant along your route. Smart.Park only shows you restaurants with parking.
Gas Station? No problem, Smart.Park will show you the closest gas station on your route. No other app delivers a route based search*.
We have more driving related data than anyone else*. If you need to drive, use Smart.Park .
Remove all advertisements from Smart.Park simply by sharing the app with 3 friends. Thats all we ask, share the app and you can upgrade to premium ad free version, completely free!
Finally, please take a look at our privacy policy @, we do not collect any user identification data. Your identity is safe and secure and will never be revealed to any third party because we never ask for this data.
* When we say no app, we mean no app that we know of at this point provides this data within Japan as of July 1 2016.